Fight On! Issue #6 Summer 2009

Fight On! charges into its sixth issue on an orc stampede like Shadowfax! Dedicated to Lee Gold, legendary editor of Alarums & Excursions, FO! #6 features dungeons, cities, wilderness, rules variants, fantastic art, poetry, polemic, and puissant pennings from a pantheon of gaming’s finest! Contributors include Lee Gold, Tim Kask, Jeff Rients, Mark Allen, David “Sham” Bowman, Ron Edwards, Jason Morningstar, Geoffrey O. Dale, Calithena, Stephan Poag, Mikko Torvinen, Erin Bisson, Michael “Chgowiz” Shorten, Gabor Lux, Lee Barber, Tony “Wheggi” Rosten, Baz Blatt, Michael Curtis, James Maliszewski, Zach Houghton, Andy “Atom” Taylor, Steve Zieser, Jeff Talanian, Patrick Farley, and many, many more.
Table of Contents
Article | Contributor(s) | Page |
Variant Races | Calithena | 3 |
Tables for Fables | Age of Fable | 4 |
Git ‘R Done | Will Mistretta, Mátyás Hartyándi, M.J. Harnish, and Northrundicandus | 7 |
Hell-Grave of the Tveirbróđur | Jason Morningstar | 9 |
The Tribe of Rorvash | Erin “Taichara” Bisson | 13 |
Sandbox Preparation | Michael “Chgowiz” Shorten | 15 |
Welcome to Slimy Lake | Jeff Rients | 18 |
Knights & Knaves | Timothy J. Kask | 24 |
Chaos Monks of Kthulhu! | Jeffrey Talanian | 26 |
Creepies & Crawlies | Lee Barber, Shaine Edwards, and Geoffrey McKinney | 27 |
Blocks of Quox | Tony Rosten | 29 |
Summonings Vile and Dark | Matthew Slepin | ,37 |
Esoteric Arts for Wizardly Know-it-Alls | Baz Blatt | 40 |
Old School Game Determination | Michael Curtis | 43 |
GBH | Peter Schmidt Jensen | 44 |
When I Was a Girl | Lee Gold | 45 |
Education of a Magic User | Douglas Cox | 45 |
Stone Gullet | Gabor Lux | 46 |
Wasteland Travellers | Gabor Lux | 50 |
A Few for the Road | Michael Curtis | 55 |
Enharza, City of Thieves | Santiago Luis Oría | 60 |
I Need a Dungeon Right Now! | Jeff Rients | 65 |
Dungeon Modules | Geoffrey O. Dale | 68 |
Oceanian Legends | Del L. Beaudry | 72 |
The Devil’s in the Details: Ahoggyá | Baz Blatt | 73 |
The Darkness Beneath: Lower Caves | David Bowman | 78 |
The Petrified Forest | Del L. Beaudry | 110 |
World Creating as a Hobby | Lee Gold | 111 |
Interview with Lee Gold | Maliszewski & Grohe | 113 |
Naked Went the Gamer | Ron Edwards | 115 |
Merlin’s Mystical Mirror | Zach Houghton | 118 |
Artifacts, Adjuncts, & Oddments | Mo Mehlem & co. | 121 |
Overland | Mikko Torvinen | 124 |
Illustrations & Cartography
Front Cover by Mark Allen. Back cover by Stefan Poag and Andy “Atom” Taylor. Fight On!, Erol Otus, and Slimy Lake logos by Jeff Rients. Alarums & Excursions #1 cover by Jack Harness. Interior art and cartography by Steve Zieser (3,16,17,22,110), Age of Fable (4), Black Blade Publishing (, 5), Kelvin Green (, 6,12,20,46,48,49, 50,51), M. J. Harnish (, 8), Dei Games (, 8), Lee Barber (ghosttower.crithitcomics. com, 9,27,43,46,58,78), Remi Treuer (10,11,12), Erin Bis- son (13), Anthony Stiller (14,118), Mark Allen (portfolio., 18,21,23,55,85,97,102), Christian de la Rosa (19), Tim Kask (24,25), Ian Baggley (26), Shaine Edwards (28), Tony Rosten (29,30,34), Andy “Atom” Taylor (33, 35), Kesher (38,74), Peter Schmidt Jensen (44,92), Alex Schröder (44), Douglas Cox (45), Gabor Lux (47,48,50,51), Santiago Luis Oría (61,63,64), Jeff Rients (67), Otherworld Miniatures (71), Lamentations of the Flame Princess (88), Patrick Farley (99), Tomás Banzas “Germille” Illa (111), Peter Seckler (115), Scott Purdy/Ron Edwards (119), James Mishler/Peter Bradley (119), Michael Shorten/Mark Allen (120), Mareike Robien (123), and Mikko Torvinen (124). Knights & Knaves and Creepies & Crawlies logos by Lee Barber; Darkness Beneath logo and map by Robert S. Conley. We also used public domain clipart from wiki- media commons (14,37,39,40,69), wpclipart (41,66,120), and (60).