Fight On! Issue #3 Fall 2008


The premier fanzine for the old-school renaissance comes out swinging with a +5 vorpal claymore of disintegration! All 148 pages of issue #3 are released in honor of the late Bob Bledsaw and in cooperation with the Judges Guild, and feature the following legacy articles:

  • Wilderlands Map 19: The Wild North by Robert S. Conley, detailing the lands north of Valon and west, by many folks' reckoning anyway, of much-fabled Blackmoor!
  • Haghill by James Mishler of Adventure Games Publications, detailing the legendary village near the City-State of the Invincible Overlord and the communities monstrous and mundane that surround it!
  • Inferno: The Fifth Circle by Geoffrey O. Dale, author of the original Inferno, taking you farther and deeper into Hell than gamers have ever trod before!

    You can also learn intriguing tidbits about the history of Judges Guild from Bob Bledsaw II and Bill Owen, the Guild's co-founder, and read a stirring tribute to Bledsaw and the early days of gaming from Bill Webb, co-founder of Necromancer Games! But it's not just the glorious of yesteryear to be found in our pages. David Bowman's contest-winning Spawning Grounds of the Crab-Men and Diana Jones/Indie RPG Award double winner Jason Morningstar's first honorable mention Khas Fara give you two tough new adventures to tackle, the latter of which can be played with traditional fantasy games or with The Shadow of Yesterday. Gabor Lux, the Hungarian Prince of Swords & Sorcery, takes you inside his Fomalhaut Campaign. Our front cover was penned by Len Cain of Berkeley gaming legend. Baz Blatt brings you new demons for Empire of the Petal Throne, while Max Davenport gives us some terrible and zany monsters for Mutant Future! And Fight On! stalwarts and newcomers Jeff Rients, Steve Zieser, Kevin Mayle, Lee Barber, Patrick Farley, Del Beaudry, Vincent Baker, Kesher, John Miskimen, Age of Fable, Calithena, and many more are back and ready to rock your game with the newest tables, tricks, sorcery, monsters, and mayhem their deviant minds can devise!

    Whether you started in 1974 or 2008, you won't want to miss this fall's issue!
  • Table of Contents

    Article Contributor(s) Page
    Dedication to Bob Bledsaw 1
    Bogbears! David Bowman 3
    Special Maneuvers in Combat Calithena 4
    A Magician’s Miscellany Jeff Rients 6
    The Wild North: Wilderlands Map 19 Rob Conley 7
    The Devil’s in the Details Kesher 24
    Introducing TARGA 25
    Knights & Knaves Lee Barber 26
    Khas Fara Jason Morningstar 28
    County of Haghill and Environs James Mishler 32
    Education of a Magic-User Douglas Cox 44
    Dagnabbit! John Miskimen 45
    Not So Smart Adventurers Tim Shorts 45
    Ready Ref Sheets Davenport, Rients, & Somerville 46
    Tables for Fables Age of Fable 48
    Dungeon Detritus David “Greyharp” Macauley 49
    The Darkness Beneath: Spawning Grounds of the Crab-Men David Bowman 51
    Judges Guild Links on the Internet Jeff Rients 65
    Tribute to the Invincible Overlord Bill Webb 65
    The Origin of the Flying Turkey Bob Bledsaw II 67
    My Time with Bob & the Guild Bill Owen 67
    Monsters for Mutant Future Max Davenport 69
    The Least Demons Baz Blatt 71
    Oceanian Legends Del L. Beaudry 77
    Barony of Serovan Andrew Reyes 79
    Fomalhaut Gabor Lux 80
    Proclamations of the Fomalhaut Oracle Gabor Lux 90
    Inferno – The Fifth Circle Geoffrey O. Dale 93
    The Wilderness Architect Victor Raymond 117
    New Games for the Old School Jeff Rients 128
    Sharks in the Night Sean Stidd & Del Beaudry 131
    Running a Great Con Game Jeff Wilcox 141
    Artifacts, Adjuncts, and Oddments Various 145

    Illustrations & Cartography

    Front cover by Sean “Len Cain” Elliott; back cover by Victor Raymond, James Mishler, and Len Cain. Fight On! and TARGA logos by Jeff Rients. Bob Bledsaw photo by Mark Holmer. Interior art, logos, and cartography by Steve Zieser (3,6,9, 13,43,48,50,56,141), Otherworld Miniatures (5,28), Robert S. Conley (11,57,146,147,148,149), Vincent Baker (16), Kesher (24), Lee Barber (27,63), Jason Morningstar (28, 29), Walter Heubach (31), Jeff Rients (32), Patrick Farley (33,70), James Mishler (35,38), Douglas Cox (44), John Miskimen (45,72,76), Tim Shorts (45), Judges Guild (46), Age of Fable (48), David Bowman (53), Peter Seckler (54), Bob Bledsaw II and I (67), Daniel Proctor (69), Anthony Stiller (69), Gabor Lux (80,81,85,90,91), Gustav Dore (93, 96,107,108,112,113,124), Geoffrey O. Dale (94,95,99,105, 107), Jeff Wilcox (97), Kevin Mayle (103,116), Olivier Legrand (128), S. John Ross (130), and Matthew Hoover (150). We also used public domain art from (4,21,58,64,92,121), wikimedia commons (14, 18,136), and (19,39,118,127,131).