Fight On! Issue #15 Spring 2024


Ten years later, we are back from the dead to Fight On once more! These revenant runes are just as jam-packed as you remember with classes, monsters, spells, magic items, rules mods, homebrews, and awesome adventures in the spirit of the eldritch era of fantasy roleplaying! Dedicated to seventies D&D legend J. Eric Holmes, this issue brings together old and new stalwarts alike to celebrate our 15th issue and new beginning! With art and articles by J. Eric and Christopher Holmes, Tom Gordon, Calithena, Gabor Lux, Jeff Rients, James Maliszewski, Kesher, Pete Mullen, Cameron Hawkey, Zach Howard, Alex Schroder, Richard Rittenhouse, Settembrini, Patrick Farley, Jason Sholtis, Robert Conley, Kelvin Green, Philipp H., Attronarch, Mitzi!, and many more, this is the first of our new forays into fanzine fame and glory! Ride that wyvern while the sun is shining, and keep Fighting On!

Table of Contents

Article Contributor(s) Page
Ten Ways to Holmesify your Game Zach Howard 3
Special Ability Charts Attronarch 4
The Orthogonal Dwarf Olle Skogren 11
Gremlins! Calithena 14
Maze Master’s Miscellany Alex Schroder & Cal 15
The Catacombs under Old Samora Philipp H. 17
Knights & Knaves: Holmes Town Heroes Tony Rowe 28
Bringing It All Back Holmes Clark/Grodog/Cal 30
Maps from the Maze of Peril J. Eric Holmes 34
Distributary of Darkness Alex Zisch 36
The Silken See Motley Dice 37
Grognard’s Grimoire Richard Rittenhouse 41
The Wizard’s Satchel J. Blasso-Gieseke 43
Artifacts, Adjuncts, and Oddments Rittenhouse 44
Victory or Death! Gabor Lux 46
Megadungeon Workshop Extravaganza! Kesher 50
Calvero! István Boldog-Bernád 53
Creepies & Crawlies James Maliszewski 61
Tables for Fables Al, Greco, Wetzel, and Rients 63
The Darkness Beneath Alex Schroder & Lior Wehrli 68
Henchmen-Я-Us: Pole Arm Caddies! Calithena 91
Chainmail: Battle for Bronzolo Settembrini 92
Doxy, Urgent Care Cleric Linneman & Green 98
Education of a Magic User Douglas Cox 99
Wham! Tom Gordon 100

Illustrations & Cartography

Front cover by Tom Gordon ( Back cover by Mitzi! Fight On! logo by Jeff Rients. J. Eric Holmes photo by Steve Pyryezstov. Images by Germille (2), Cameron Hawkey (; 3, 25, 29, 33, 40, 92, 97), Allan T. Grohe Jr. (; 6), Peter Mullen (; 10, 40), J. Blasso-Gieseke (; 11, 64), Micheal Russell (12, 94), Black Blade Publishing (; 14, 49), Patrick Farley (15, retro 16, 67), Philipp H. (18), Philipp Knopp (21, 22), Gabor Lux (; 27), Justin Russell (32), Jean-Francois Beaulieu (32), Chris Holmes (33), J. Eric Holmes (34, 35), Alex Zisch (36, 44), Motley Dice (; 37, 38, 39), Ed Heil (; 38), John Tenniel (40), Mac Teg (, 45, 63), Raymond Perry (46, 47), The Antique Alumni (47, 48), Pacesetter Games (; 49), The Dead Victorians (54, 55, 56, 58), István Boldog-Bernád (57, 59), Jason Sholtis (; 61, 62), Zhu Bajiee (; 61. 62, 63), Robert S. Conley (68), Ndege Diamond (70,80), Alex Schroder (71, 79, 81), Kelvin Green (; 82, 91, 98), Anthony Stiller (83), Niel-Jan Que (89), Settembrini (93) Knights & Knaves and Creepies & Crawlies logos by Lee Barber. Tables for Fables logo derived from one by Age of Fable.