Fight On! Issue #12 Spring 2011


Mutants! Androids! Robots! Pure Strain Humans! Fight On! is back, with another 88 pages of gut-wrenching, laser-pulsing, fist-pounding action! Rules variants, tables, adventures large and small, science fiction and fantasy, races, classes, monsters, spells, magic items, NPCs, history, opinion, and lore can be found herein! Featuring art and articles by Mark Allen, Ian Baggley, Lee Barber, Erin ''Taichara'' Bisson, Daniel Boggs, David Bowman, Simon Bull, David Coleman, Fat Cotton, Michael Curtis, Liz Danforth, Ndege Diamond, Ron Edwards, Kelvin Green, Tim Kask, John Larrey, John Laviolette, Lester, Gabor Lux, Heron Prior, Jeff Rients, Chris Robert, Zak S., Alex Schroeder, Jason Sholtis, Tim ''Sniderman'' Snider, Jennifer Weigel, and this issue's dedicatee James M. Ward, alongside many others! If want to take your FRP experience to the next level, don't delay - buy this issue and Fight On!

Table of Contents

Article Contributor(s) Page
Champions of ZED Daniel Boggs 3
Fast Company II – Nonhumans Schroeder & Shieh 11
It’s All in the Cards Michael Curtis 12
The Tomb of Kaman-Doh Rey’d David Coleman 17
The Apen Andrew “The Venomous Pao” Trent 20
Geologians Tim “Sniderman” Snider 22
The Witch Doctor Scott Moberly 24
Knights & Knaves Barber, Green, Rients, & Cal 25
Grognard’s Grimoire Erin “Taichara” Bisson 27
The City State of Dusal Dagodli Gabor Lux 28
The Darkness Beneath Heron Prior & David Bowman 32
Education of a Magic User Douglas Cox 44
Doxy, Urgent Care Cleric J. Linneman & K. Green 45
Sir Tendeth Tim “Sniderman” Snider 46
Creepies & Crawlies T. Snider and Jeffrey P. Talanian 60
Monstrous Ecology Ron Edwards 63
Random’s Assortment Peter Jensen & Random 64
Curses Gone Wild! John Laviolette 65
Artifacts, Adjuncts, & Oddments Jason Sholtis 67
Treasure Types Simon Bull 68
Dungeon Modules: The Rondo Rooms Jeff Rients 69
Pigdivot! Chris Robert 72
Where the Action Is Zak S. 80
Merlyn’s Mystical Mirror Gabor Lux & Jo Kreil 84
Notes from a Master James M. Ward & Tim Kask 86

Illustrations & Cartography

Front cover by Mark Allen ( Back cover by Kevin Mayle. Fight On! logo by Jeff Rients. Jim Ward photos by John Sapienza, Jr. and Breck Ward. Interior art and cartography by Jason Sholtis (4,9,21,67), OSRCon ( 6), Fat Cotton (7,80), (10), Anthony Stiller (12,64), Black Blade Publishing (blackblade 13), Liz Danforth (15), Hudson Bell (16), David Coleman (17), Netherwerks (netherwerks.blogspot. com: 18,42), Lawrence Raymond (18), Ndege Diamond (19,33,40,47), Lester (22,60,61,86), Centers for Disease Control (24), Kelvin Green (25,45,65), Lee Barber (26,51, Creepies & Crawlies logo, Knights & Knaves logo), Alex Schroeder (27,34), Gabor Lux (28,29,30), Antonio Sant’ Elia (31), Robert S. Conley ( 32), Heron Prior (37,48,51,52,53,57), Bronze Age Miniatures (bronze 41), Douglas Cox (44), Tim “Sniderman” Snider (46), DEI Games (, 46), John Larrey (54,63), Ian Baggley (62), Jennifer Weigel (69,74,79), Matthew Howerter (70), Kevin Mayle (72), Greengoat (75), Peter Schmidt Jensen (83), Henchman Abuse (henchman 84), and F. Douglas Wall Publishing ( 85).