Fight On! Issue #10 Summer 2010


Fight On! returns to unscroll the Runes of Chaos and conjure the mighty titans of yesteryear! Dedicated to Tom Moldvay, this BIG issue contains three BIG undercities and lost worlds by Gabor Lux, James Mishler, and Chris Robert alongside the rules supplements, mini-adventures and modules, villages, one-page dungeons, spells, monsters, NPCs, tricks, traps, geomorphs, reviews, and tables you've come to know, love, and expect from our fantastic fanzine. Illustriously illustrated by Patrick Farley, Jennifer Weigel, Lester, Kelvin Green, Jason Sholtis, Peter Mullen, Mark Allen, Anthony Stiller, Steve Robertson, and more; puissantly penned by Jeff Rients, Calithena, Jerry Stratton, Tim Snider, Geoff McKinney, Patrice Crespy, Peter Schmidt Jensen, Paul Stormberg, Geoffrey O. Dale, Tim Kask, and a whole gang of garrulous grognards trying to take it (their PC, that is) to the next level. We hope you'll roll the bones on this issue and check it out - but either way, keep Fighting On!

Table of Contents

Article Contributor(s) Page
Fast Company Alex Schroeder 3
Wear and Tear Mátyás “Urban” Hartyándi 5
Catwomen and Lion-Men Calithena 5
The Time-Displaced Tim “Sniderman” Snider 7
Cult Leader Lee Reynoldson 9
Grognard’s Grimoire Jensen, Minton, & Rossi 10
The Familiar Spirit James A. Smith 11
Knights & Knaves Duncan Jones & Sean Stidd 14
Khosura, Part II Gabor Lux 15
Killing Monsters You Can’t Kill Jeff Rients 39
Creepies & Crawlies Various 40
The Godzillas Will Breath On You Geoffrey McKinney 43
Futa-kuchi-onna Ian & Andrew Baggley 47
Urgent Care Cleric Jonathan Linneman & Kelvin Green 48
Education of a Magic-User Douglas Cox 49
Trolls will be Trolls Heron Prior 50
Time For Tea Clarabelle Chong 51
Heart of Darkness Lord Kilgore 52
Laboratory of the Asmodean Techno-Mage P. Mullen 53
Special Properties of Gemstones Wayne Rossi 54
The Coinage of Ilthar Calithena 55
Artifacts, Adjuncts, & Oddments Various 56
Lost Dragonia James Mishler 57
Tables for Fables Age of Fable 79
Weird Treasure Containers Telecanter 81
Moldvay-esque Adventure Generator Michael David, Jr. 81
Dungeon Modules Geoffrey O. Dale 82
Hobgoblin Halls Joshua Mackay 83
The Shrine that Glittered Patrice Crespy 86
Moulin Rouge 1955 Jerry Stratton 94
Random’s Assortment Thinker, Random, and Jensen 98
The Darkness Beneath Chris Robert 100
Merlyn’s Mystical Mirror Hargrove/Hewlett/Pookie 121
Everyone is Here to Have Fun Paul Stormberg 129
One-Off Con Adventures Tim Kask 133
Dougal Must Die! Steve Robertson 135
Dungeon Geomorphs Tim Ballew 137

Illustrations & Cartography

Front Cover by Patrick Sean Farley (electricsheepcomix. com). Back cover by Lamentations of the Flame Princess ( Tom Moldvay photo by Kevin Hendryx. Fight On! logo by Jeff Rients. Interior art by Jennifer Weigel (4,11,12,117), Bronze Age Miniatures (bronzeagemin. com: 4), Peter Schmidt Jensen (5,56,59), Swords & Wizardry/ Frog God Games (talesofthefroggod. com: 6,45), Lester (7,8, 44,103,104,106,107,114), Black Blade Publishing ( 7,17), Rhiannon Miller (9,133), DEI Games ( 13), Kelvin Green (14,42,48,52,121), Gabor Lux (15,18,21,22,25,27,29,32,35,36,37,38,39), Robert S. Conley ( 40,100, Darkness Beneath logo), Jason Sholtis (41,75,132), Ian Baggley (46), Douglas Cox (49), Heron Prior (50), Clarabelle Chong (51), Lord Kilgore (52), Peter Mullen ( 53), Mark Allen ( 54,55,73,82,85), Carlos “Celurian” Torreblanca (56), James Mishler (63,78), (64), Lee Barber (69, Knights & Knaves logo, Creepies & Crawlies logo), Geoffrey O. Dale (83), Patrice Crespy (86), Yannick Zogg (91,92), Jerry Stratton (94,95,96,97), Anthony Stiller (98,99), Alex Schroeder (112), Emperor’s Choice Games and Miniatures ( 122), Doug Easterly (126), Lamentations of the Flame Princess (127), Rob Hewlett (128), Tom Moldvay (131), John Larrey (132), Kevin Hendryx (134), Steve Robertson (135,136), and Tim Ballew (137,138).